Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Charlotte Blackledge

Este trabajo me parece maravilloso! esta chica toma unas fotos desde el interior del cuerpo con una pin hole, el tema es el cuerpo de la mujer como via para porducir un trabajo. Aqui les dejo la algunas palabras suyas:

My work deals with themes concerning the female body, in particular how the body itself can be used as the vehicle through which to create work. Most recent work; ‘Endoscape’ involves transforming the body into a camera by placing small pinhole cameras inside it’s chief apertures. The resulting photographs bare little resemblance to their medical endoscopic counterparts. Unlike the medical images they do not document the body with anatomical correctness, but rather give a visual response to how it feels to be inside the body looking out, rather than what it actually looks like.

Este trabajo lo conoci por el maravilloso blog fluffy Lychees

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